Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Chocolate Health Benefits

They say "True strength is the ability to break a chocolate bar with your bare hands, then only eat one piece!"

This is the next tip in our series helping you to maximize your potential through diet and fitness, one step at a time. I think you'll enjoy this one, because I am going to make you happy.

  • If we could convince you that dark chocolate can form part of a healthy balanced diet, would you eat it?

  • If we could prove that it can make you happy, would you buy your spouse and kids dark chocolate eggs for Easter?

  • If we could quantify how dark chocolate can reduce depression, PMT, blood pressure and cholesterol would you be happy for your kids to have some following a healthy meal at school?

(When I refer to dark chocolate it means having a minimum cocoa content of 70%).So, dark chocolate, consumed in moderation (3 squares / 1oz / 28.35g) per day), can form part of a healthy diet.

So what is so special about dark chocolate?

Dark chocolate can form part of a healthy diet, but fresh fruit and vegetable containing many of the same nutrients and vitamins should be consumed first. Dark chocolate should make up part of your ideal calorific daily intake and not be taken in addition to it.Dark chocolate can reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and prevent clotting.Tryptophan (a precursor to serotonin) in dark chocolate is a mood enhancer that can reduce depression and PMT.Tannins, a chemical in chocolate can apparently prevent cavities from forming.Powerful antioxidants in chocolate can prevent cell damage, and reduce the risk of age related chronic diseases and cancer.


Dark chocolate contains caffeine, which is addictive and promotes the expulsion of fluids from the body.It acts as an appetite inhibitor, so if it is eaten in isolation as opposed to part of a meal, the brain may indicate that the body is satisfied before sufficient other essential nutrients have been consumed.Unless taken in moderation as part of a balanced diet overconsumption can lead to obesity.

Tryptophan a precursor to SerotoninOur brains make Serotonin, a natural, mood enhancing drug. It makes us feel happy and can reduce depression. During menstruation females have less oestrogen, which is used by the brain to make serotonin, which may account for mood swings and PMT.At school, social interaction, exams, pressure to perform, bullying and many other factors can cause pressure in the daily life of students and if we can help to alleviate this by providing dark chocolate as part of a healthy meal (not in isolation) we feel we should.

What dark chocolate contains:-

Cocoa, cocoa butter, calcium, iron, fat, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, caffeine, serotonin, flavonoids, calories, protein, vitamins A,B,D and E
Calories 136

Protein 1.19g

Total Fat 8.51g

Calcium 9mg

Magnesium 33mg

Phosphorus 37mg

Potassium 103mg

Caffeine 18mg

(You will notice I am not referring to milk or white chocolate, as they have almost no nutritionally beneficial qualities and Q-tass ltd will not be introducing them as products within our portfolio).


Made from beans harvested from the cocoa tree.
Cocoa butterCocoa butter does contain saturated fats, however oleic acid, a monosaturated fat has been shown to be either a neutral or beneficial on the effect on cholesterol as opposed to hydrogenated fats which negatively impact on cholesterol.This means that dark chocolate can reduce cholesterol.

Flavonoids (antioxidant) called epicatechins and procyanidins. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidents which remove free-radicals. However, they can also be found in tea, red wine and various fruits and vegetables.


Essential for the growth of bones and teeth.
Other sources of calcium are:-· Whole grains· Pulses· Vegetables· Water


Magnesium is vital within your body for hormone production and can have beneficial effects on pre-menstrual problems. Magnesium is present in all green vegetables


Potassium is one of the essential body salts helping to balance fluids and muscle contraction and therefore heartbeat. Replenish your potassium levels after exercise as potassium is excreted through sweat.It is easy to top up with:-
Vegetable juicesFresh fruitAvocadosPotatoesNutsLeafy green vegetables


The vital component of haemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells and returns waste carbon dioxide to the lungs from the cells using the circulaqtory system.60% of the iron in our bodies is in the form of red pigment, best ingested by eating meat, especially liver and kidneys. This form is much more readily absorbed than iron in non-meat food sources such as:-ChocolateShellfishBroccoli, Egg yolks
Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, pale skin, sore tongue, loss of appetite and nausea.

Despite having written several health and nutrition related e-books, I do not class myself as either a Nutritionist or a Dietician. I am a career caterer, with a profound interest and passion for good, fresh, healthy food.

I am continuously reviewing products and services to ensure that it is both appropriate and relevant and to my surprise, the information I have come across about cocoa and dark chocolate has not only given me a different perspective, but I notice that the endless number of internet entries have also carried a similar message, which is that in moderation, dark chocolate has many health benefits.

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