Sunday, 7 June 2009

Honey can keep you working on Your Network Marketing Business

I regularly mention that in order to maximize your success, you should change your diet and fitness regime a little bit at a time. This is a lifestyle change, not a race!

So, what do I mean? Here is an example of something you can change this week:-

Use honey to replace sugar and syrup in cooking. In recent years a 3,000 year old jar of honey was discovered in a tomb and it had not gone off! How often have you found a jar of jam with fury blue mould growing on it?

Watch the video to get a more animated view, but be aware that this was one of my earlier video productions and the deliver is less than that of a professional speaker. Maybe I'll put a more recent one up next for your to compare it against.

Anyway, I digress.

Honey is an antibiotic, bacteria / germs can't survive in it. In the past it was used externally on wounds and internally on ulcers. Food made using honey will take longer to deteriorate and when consumed it will help to kill bacteria and germs on its way through your system. Honey and lemon is a popular combination for medicines as the honey kills germs and the vitamin c in the lemon boosts your immune system.
I mix the juice of half a lemon with a teaspoon of honey and give it to my kids once a week. They think it is a treat (unless I forget to get the pips out)!

Honey is also an erogenic aid, which means that it helps boost energy in athletes.

Finally, there are only 128 calories per ounce, so if you must drink coffee, use honey and not sugar!

There you go, just a quick read today.

Keep your eyes out for the next blog tomorrow when I will be covering the benefits of garlic!
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